Time is TBD
|Ben Lomond, Stirling FK8 3TS, UK
Ben Lomond including transport from Glasgow.
Ben Lomond is the most southerly of the Scottish Munros but it’s proximity to the central belt and it’s good paths make this an excellent day out for someone less experienced to start exploring the bigger hills. £42pp including transport from Glasgow. Email info@upnaboutscotland.com to book
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Ben Lomond, Stirling FK8 3TS, UK
About the event
Leaving our designated pickup point in Glasgow, we would make our way up the East shore of Loch Lomond to the start of our walk at Rowardennan. Here there is also a small information centre and a public toilet. There are no café facilities at the start point but the Rowardennan Hotel is only a short distance away.
There is a well defined path to the summit and the ascent would normally take around 3hrs. Impressive views from here over the steep crags on Lomonds North East shoulder. The descent will take around 2 hrs.
Back to the minibus for the return journey.
Ben Lomond is the most southerly of the Scottish Munros but it’s proximity to the central belt and it’s good paths make this an excellent day out for someone less experienced to start exploring the bigger hills. On a good day, the 360deg views are amazing.
Email info@upnaboutscotland.com to book.